Ben Stiller Series Casting in Pittsburgh


Now casting talent to be Extras on the upcoming Ben Stiller television series Escape at Dannemora. Producers will be holding an open Casting Call looking for talent to work on scenes filming between October 23rd and November 3rd.

According to Variety, the series will be based on the real-life prison break in upstate New York in the summer of 2015 which spawned a massive manhunt for two convicted murderers who were aided in their escape by a married female prison employee with whom they both become entangled.

Casting Details

Filming Dates: October to November 2017

Paid?: Yes

Further casting details are below. To attend a Nine9 Open Call and learn more about the UnAgency including how to receive additional castings, complete the Nine9 Talent Application.

Nine9 Talent Application

  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg.

The show will star Paul Dano, Benicio del Toro and Patricia Arquette. Del Toro will play convicted murderer Richard Matt who masterminds the escape. Arquette will play Tilly Mitchell, a working class, married woman who works at the prison and becomes sexually involved with both convicts inducing her to assist them with their escape, and Dano will play David Sweat, a convicted cop-killer who uses his good looks to seduce Tilly and becomes a reluctant partner in Richard Matt’s plot.

Paid extras needed for Ben Stiller’s latest project, “Escape at Dannemora” which will be filming in Pittsburgh, PA from October 23-November 3rd.

If you are local to Pittsburgh and have 5-9 days available between October 23rd-November 3rd (No weekends) and are 18+ years old with reliable transportation, email with your picture at MOSSEREXTRAS@GMAIL.COM.

Picture should be of you in a tank top taken from the waist up so that we can see any tattoos that you have.

Include YOUR NAME, AGE, LOCATION, PHONE NUMBER, HEIGHT, WEIGHT, WAIST SIZE AND IF YOU HAVE A CAR. Let them know of any dates you absolutely could not work.

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