Casting Directors are now seeking actors, models, and talent to work on scenes filming on Thursday, November 9th. They are currently Casting Caucasian looking 7-12 year olds to portray trick or treating kids in an upscale suburban neighborhood. Please include a picture in the non-trademarked and generic Halloween costume(s) that you are able to bring. Examples include: Angel, Witch, Monster, Cowboy/Cowgirl, Police, Doll, Cat, etc.
The upcoming season of MTV’s Scream will feature 6 episodes and will be a reboot of the previous two seasons. According to Deadline, the idea is to restart the series with a new show runner, plot, and concept. The show will feature Tyga, Kylie Jenner’s ex-boyfriend, and C.J. Wallace. MTV also announced the release date will be sometime during March 2018.
Casting Details
Filming Dates: November 9th
Pay?: Yes
Further casting details are below. To attend a Nine9 Open Call and learn more about the UnAgency including how to receive additional castings, complete the Nine9 Talent Application.
Nine9 Talent Application
TV Series: S3 – MINORS – filming in Atlanta, GA – Thursday 11/9 Likely an early afternoon call time working overnight
Pay Rate: $68/8 hours
TRICK OR TREAT: Currently Casting Caucasian looking 7-12 year olds to portray trick or treating kids in an upscale suburban neighborhood. * Please include a picture in the non-trademarked and generic Halloween costume(s) that you are able to bring. Examples include: Angel, Witch, Monster, Cowboy/Cowgirl, Police, Doll, Cat, etc.
Please email the following to S3@CENTRALCASTING.COM:
• CURRENT photo(s) of yourself and the non-trademarked costume(s)
• Include current measurements (including height and weight)
• Legal name
• Phone number
• Notate “TREAT 11/9” in the subject line!
1). You should be the only person in the photo.
2). Please face the camera.
3). Only clear and well-lit photos will be considered.
4). Absolutely NO filters!
5). Inappropriate photos will NOT be considered!
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