Home Depot Commercial Casting in Chicago


Home Depot Casting Directors are now casting actors, models, and talent to work on scenes filming between December 28th through February 1st in Chicago, Illinois. This is a great opportunity to be featured in a national commercial for one of the most well known companies in the nation. Not only will you earn money working as an extra or featured model, you will gain valuable experience and portfolio content to help you land even more gigs in the future.

Casting Details

Dates: December 28th – February 1st

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Further casting details are below. To attend a Nine9 Open Call and learn more about the UnAgency including how to receive additional castings, complete the Nine9 Talent Application.

Nine9 Talent Application

  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg.

PRODUCT: Home Depot Spring Decor Catalog
ROLE: Non-Union Extras
PROJECT TYPE: Internet + Print AD
USAGE/RUN: Unlimited Buy Out
RATE: $250/5 Hrs + $500 Unlimited Internet Buyout + $1,000 Unlimited Print Buyout
SHOOT DATE: Exact Date is TBD – It will be a 1 day shoot sometime between 12/28 – 2/1. Your child must have open availability during this time frame.

Your child MUST have a current/valid IL Work Permit through 4 Star Casting or a local talent agency.

Please read the ENTIRE post before submitting.


Boy/Girl, Any Ethnicity, Ages: 4-6
Please attach a photo of your child’s work permit in your email submission. Please attach professional headshots, candid close ups/full body photos, and acting resumes if they have one. Please confirm if your child is in pre-school, kindergarten, or is home-schooled, etc.

If your child is interested and they have open availability during this time frame, send an email with the following to 4starcasting@gmail.com

1 Please put Brand Video and the role you are submitting for in the subject line, i.e. HOME DEPOT KID

2) In the body of the email include your child’s: first and last name, name of their guardian/parent, age, height, weight, phone number, email, and zip code in which they are located.

3) Attach a photo of their current/valid IL work permit.

4) Confirm your child has open availability for a 1 day shoot during the time frame: 12/28 – 2/1.

5) Attach one current candid full body photo, candid closeup, professional headshot, and acting resume if they have one.

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