Casting Directors are looking for actors and models to work on new scenes filming at the end of this week. This is a paid opportunity to work on the final season of House of Cards, filming in Baltimore, Maryland.
A Congressman works with his equally conniving wife to exact revenge on the people who betrayed him. The show stars Robin Wright.
Casting Details
Dates: March 2nd
Where: Baltimore, Maryland
Further details of this casting are below. To attend a Nine9 Open Call and learn more about the UnAgency including how to receive additional castings, complete the Nine9 Talent Application.
Nine9 Talent Application
Looking for fresh face servers who can handle a large function. Must be comfortable carrying trays of food or drinks or tending bar. Clean cut, conservative looks appropriate for serving staff
(No piercings, tattoos, unnatural hair color, beards, etc)
This is a paid non-speaking background position.
Wardrobe: Black dress shirt, black pants, black closed toe laced shoe
Send the following information to
– Legal Name on ID:
– Legal ID to work in the US?:
– Phone:
– Location (city/state):
– Age:
– SAG or Non-Union (please include photo of your paid up-to-date SAG card if applicable):
– Own Personal Uniform (yes or no):
– Height:
– Weight:
– Clothing Sizes Men: (Jacket/Neck/Sleeve/Waist x Inseam/Shoe:
– Clothing Sizes Women: (Dress/Bust x Waist x Hips/ Shirt/ Pants/ Shoe:
– Tattoos (if any, please list locations):
– Do you have a profile on Marinella Hume Casting Database?:
– List serving Experience:
– Have you worked on the show before & what roles were you cast as?
– Were you seen on camera?:
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